
Protect Your iP Without Wasting Thousands For Legal Fees On the WRONG iP!


With Chris Paradies

"Reserve your seat for this training that will change the way you think about intellectual property..."

What You'll Learn:

  • Why most busy business owners waste thousands protecting the WRONG iP and how to get the greatest return on your iP investment!
  • Learn the critical difference between intangible property (iP) and intellectual property (IP)...
  • Discover your most valuable iP and how growing its value creates wealth...
  • Find out what every innovative and creative business owner needs to do Before telling anyone anything!
  • Plus, our achiever bonus: stay to the end and get our 10-minute trademark knock-out search training for free.

What Are People Saying...

iPscaling was perfect for everything I wanted to know and needed to understand...

I know many people who have developed fantastic educational material, but then they found out others were taking their intellectual property and teaching it as their own. It was devastating to their business. So, when I started developing my own, I knew I needed to protect it.

There was a lot of confusing information out there. So many experts kept advising against trying to do it yourself because it would be too much...

iPscaling training walks you through the process for doing it yourself at a much lower price point. It was exactly what I was looking for!

The fact that Chris Paradies also offers one-on-one sessions after you complete the tutorials, to ensure you feel confident actually filing intellectual property, was such a relief. Knowing what I needed to do next to complete the process and make sure my intellectual property was protected...

I could hardly believe I had done it right until I received the official Library of Congress letter!

iPscaling was perfect for everything I wanted to know and needed to understand. I highly recommend iPscaling for anyone trying to build and protect value in their business while still remaining cost effective.

Who Will Benefit:

Creative Business Owners

If you're creative or you own a business that creates original, expressive works, whether marketing copy, websites, software, artwork, performing arts, music, digital media, photography, training courses...  Your creativity has value and needs to be protected by copyright registrations and, perhaps, trademarks and trade secrets. Your first step is to attend our creative entrepreneur workshop. 

Innovative Business Owners

If you're an innovator or an owner of an innovative business that benefits its customers by implementing a new idea, utilizing a novel process, providing inventive products...   Your innovation needs to be protected, and you'll need to know if/when you might need to file a patent to protect your inventions or how to protect innovation using trade secret law. You'll need to attend our innovator workshop. 

Experts & Professionals

If you're an expert, or anyone with valuable knowledge, and your expertise or experience is valued by your clients or customers, then you'll need to take action to safeguard your know-how BEFORE sharing it with others, whether customers, employees or contractors. Trade secret law protects your know-how, and you need to take reasonable measures early on to preserve your trade secrets from misappropriation by others. Your first step is to attend our free expert workshop.

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