Protect your valuable brands and ideas (iP) ... in just minutes!
Busy business owners shouldn't worry about iP... when iPscaling® makes iP easy.
Not protecting iP is like leaving your car...
- with the doors wide open...
- key in the ignition...
- still running...
- in a bad neighborhood.

The web is the worst possible neighborhood. It's way too easy to lose everything.
So, why would any entrepreneur, artist, entertainer, or innovative business owner think it's OK to leave their ideas, brands and creative expression unprotected?
Learn the iPscaling® way from Paradies® iP... don't waste money ... don't waste time ... protect your valuable iP!
Before you create an online presence, you need to think about intellectual property protection.
Of course, you need to avoid being sued by others, too, and there's a cottage industry of lawyers trolling websites just looking for infringement of images and copy. But our iPscaling® training goes a step further, you'll make it harder to steal your creative and innovative intangibles too.
An independent study by Ocean Tomo calculated the VALUE of iP for companies listed on the S&P 500 over the years. Back in 1975, less than 20% of that value was attributed to intangibles. By 2015, the percentage attributed to intangibles topped 80%!!!
The Innovation Age
1975 was the pinnacle of the industrial age and the very beginning of the innovation age. By 2015, the most valuable companies were innovators such as Apple, Google, Facebook...
Innovation creates value that accrues, eventually, to the value of a company's brands. Now, companies that build great brands are the ones creating wealth. Just look at SPANX, a brand created in Tampa. The SPANX brand name made Sara Blakeley a billionaire.
Sara got a BIG break when Oprah put her on her show with an audience perfect for the SPANX brand, but she also put in the work that let Spanx create a new market segment within a mature support hose industry. It solved a problem for customers of Spanx. The SPANX brand was fun. It drove sales and became a juggernaut making Sara an 'overnight' success. It didn't happen without a lot of work. Selection, positioning and protection of her brand was integrally important in the success of the SPANX brand.
Imagine if Sara Blakeley failed to pick a distinctive, catchy brand. If she didn't file for a patent, register her trademark and protect it, then all of her work would have been for nothing. It's likely that Sara could not have achieved the traction that she did with Spanx, and she wouldn't have earned that critical spot on Oprah's show. The example of Spanx shows that it's not just large corporations that have valuable intangibles. When it comes to defining new market segments, its often entrepreneurial business owners that have the advantage over their global corporate competition. Smaller brands can move faster, take more risks and embrace innovation and creativity in ways that bigger competitors can't match.
Successful innovators can break established rules and target customers more granularly.
The innovation age favors agility and embraces creativity. It's easier to source products with the information available at everyone's fingertips. Delivering new product categories that provide better customer experiences is easier, because its much easier to reach specific customers.
Think about Apple's smart phone sales. By knowing its customers and delivering a product perceived as unique, Apple continues to dominate in profit margin (42%) even while capturing less than 16% market share.
Of course, all these changes and the skyrocketing value of brands also have a downside.
Rampant Fraud, Theft & Counterfeiting
The innovation age has also given rise to an industry of counterfeiters and knock-offs that piggyback off successful brands, and it's not just those big name product brands. Any successful brand will be knocked off. It's a matter of when not if. Ask any successful service provider or course creator. Sometimes its betrayal by a former employee or vendor or consultant or ...
The big corporate brands spend millions on intellectual property protection, keeping an army of lawyers busy defending their valuable iP, but you don't have to do it this way. It costs millions to protect their iP this way, which means they are only targeting markets worth hundreds of millions or billions.
Innovative and creative business owners should think differently about iP and intellectual property protection. Start by owning everything. Then, figure out your most valuable intangible property, what I refer to as MViP. Use that to target intellectual property that can quickly and efficiently protect it, without spending thousands on lawyers or the wrong intellectual property.
You can't afford to use the shotgun approach to IP, which the big corporate legal departments do, because its wasteful. Sure, you might protect your company's iP by spending tens of thousands trying to protect everything, but at what cost to your business?
Instead, our iPscaling process helps innovative and creative business owners by building a hedge of protection around their iP without wasting valuable time and saving thousands in legal fees. The iPscaling process draws on more than two decades experience helping hundreds of small business owners and startup entrepreneurs.
Who is iPscaling For?
The iPscaling process works for innovative and creative business owners. It works equally well for a brand new startup and for an owner of an existing business. Both can grow the value of a company's intangibles, using intellectual property protection to secure its most valuable assets.
Now, it's certainly preferable to put intellectual property protection in place from the very start, because the iP will be protected and the company will save tens of thousands in legal fees that might be necessary if forced to defend itself against IP lawsuits.
But if it wasn't done right from the beginning, your next best time for iPscaling is right NOW, without any more delays!
Who is iPscaling Not For?
If you're selling MLM, you're a franchisee, or you're an affiliate marketer, then iPscaling's not for you. You don't own the intangibles. Someone else does.
But if you own a business, then iPscaling can help build value, even if you don't think your business has anything valuable to protect. Every business has valuable intangible property, because there are so many different types of intangible property. Any company doing business will have creative works, brands and know-how that has value to its customers. Some will have an idea or ornamental features that should be protected by filing a patent.
Why Is iP Important?
A company's intangible property, or iP, creates wealth. It justifies higher valuations when seeking investments or loans. With proper intellectual property protection in place, iP becomes a company's most valuable asset, which can serve as collateral.
It can be time consuming and expensive to hire a competent, bar certified intellectual property attorney to file intellectual property protection for a business. In 2020, alone, more than half a million corporations and companies were registered just in Florida. Yet there were only 140 certified IP attorneys registered in Florida. Even if all those attorneys were in private practice (and they aren't), each would have to help 3748 new entities. That's impossible.
So, some companies are going without or making due...
There's business owners that go to a "trademark attorney" that files a trademark or two along with their other corporate legal matters, but this attorney usually doesn't have the experience to ask the right questions or offers incomplete or erroneous advice.
Getting bad advice can be worse than getting no advice!
There's the owner that hires a big-law firm and finds himself or herself faced with monthly invoices that don't actually add any value to their small business. Constant monthly fees eventually get to be too much, and the protection lapses, if it ever gets registered. How much protection does expired or unregistered IP protection give?
Or out of desperation, some owners "save money" filling out automated forms on one of those 'legal' websites, not even knowing what intellectual property protection the business really needs! After spending hundreds in costs and fees, what do desperate owners actually own? Worse still... is the false sense of security. It won't help when the C&D letter is received or the lawsuit is served. How much will be saved when settling a lawsuit can cost tens of thousands in legal fees and costs?
The lack of good alternatives is getting so bad that some Internet 'gurus' advise doing NOTHING for intellectual property protection! That leaves a company's valuable iP completely unprotected, like leaving that car with its engine running's going to be gone...
with no good options for getting it back.
Then what is a business owner supposed to do? iPscaling's Entrepreneur's Guide To Owning Everything! answers that question.
Intellectual Property Protection
Trademarks protect brands from confusingly similar brands. Copyrights protect creative works from unlawful copying and derivative works. Patents protect inventions from infringing use. Trade secrets protect ideas, information and unique expertise that derive value from not being publicly known from misappropriation.
There's so much to unpack in that one sentence, that I couldn't do it justice here. IP protection can be confusing...
But it doesn't have to be. Sure, there's overlaps and nuances that can take years to learn, but ...
What if you could OWN everything ... in minutes ... for less than the cost of a business lunch and PROTECT your most important intangible property for not much more BEFORE it's too late? That's how the iPscaling own protect grow® process works.
Many business owners don't know where to start, which leads to iP paralysis, but you've found iPscaling. We start with owning EVERYTHING! Then, you'll protect our most valuable iP before growing its value.
Why is iPscaling at such a Low Price?
iPscaling came from a desperate need among business owners for inexpensive, sound advice about IP. Chris Paradies saw what happened when business owners delayed, whether due to costs of hiring IP counsel or lack of time. Good advice from a competent, board certified IP attorney is well worth the money, but not everyone has access to qualified IP counsel. So, he started teaching business owners one-on-one. Then, he taught small groups in a classroom setting. However, this would never satisfy the growing need. So, he started automating the process, providing an online masterclass. After years of work, iPscaling provides inexpensive access to the basics that every business owner needs before valuable intangible rights are lost or a lawsuit is threatened. The technology behind iPscaling permits Chris to share more than two decades experience as a certified intellectual property attorney and registered patent attorney with business owners, at a price any startup can afford. Plus, it's geared especially for busy business owners that don't have weeks to spend learning how to protect their own intangible property. Hear Chris in his own words:
I'm determined to reach business owners BEFORE disaster strikes, before the agonizing feelings of betrayal or self loathing that comes from having valuable iP stolen or lost through negligence, and before receiving a cease and desist letter that can destroy a business just when its getting traction.
Copyrights should be registered BEFORE publication. Trademarks should be filed as 'intent to use' applications BEFORE use. Patents must be filed before publication, use or offering any covered product for sale. If trade secrets are going to be protected, they must be kept confidential from the very start...
...BEFORE proprietary information is shared!
The #1 mistake is Doing Nothing! Doing nothing can cost an entrepreneur everything! I am determined that this never happens for lack of knowledge.
Chris Paradies

What do business owners say about Chris Paradies?

suzanne elizabeth murphy
It was a lucky day when we first sat down in a classroom with Chris Paradies and began to learn.

Dino Eliadis
CEO, DE Inc.
I have seen Chris in action and his teaching is masterful.
What Is iP?
Does 'intangible property' add real value?
It's easy to mistake intellectual property for intangible property.
Intangible property (or iP) includes good will in brands, exclusive rights in creative works, exclusive agreements, know-how and inventions. iP CREATES wealth!
More than 80% of the value of companies in the S&P 500 is intangibles, according to a study from Ocean Tomo.
Intellectual property law protects the value of iP, at a cost. It includes copyright and trademark registrations, issued patents, and use of trade secret laws to keep valuable information secret.
Trademarks, Trade Dress, Trade Secrets...
Trademarks, trade dress, trade secrets? What do these all mean and how are they used to protect iP?
If you're expecting to scale your business, or already have, it might not be too late to take action to protect your company's most valuable asset, its intangible property.
Chris Paradies is the creator of iPscaling. His iPscaling program provides a better way for busy business owners to protect their iP quickly at a cost that provides maximum return on investment. Don't give up. He's here to help, and this website explains everything you need to know about intellectual property.
Chris is certified in intellectual property law by the Florida Bar and is registered as a patent attorney by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Only registered patent agents and attorneys may prepare, file and prosecute applications before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Chris founded Paradies® law, which helps business owners protect and manage global iP portfolios.
With the help of his iPscaling process, you'll understand enough to take action immediately without being distracted by too much information... Just take the iPcheck, now, and we'll let you know what your business should do first.
What Types of Intellectual Property Protection Are There?
U.S. trademark law is used to protect brands. The actual purpose of trademark law is to prevent consumer confusion. But in practice, this area of law provides brand owners exclusive use of distinctive brand names, slogans, logos, jingles... anything that can serve to identify a business as a source of particular goods or services.
Innovative and creative business owners should transfer value from every other type of iP to their brand. Learn more...
Trade secret and patent laws protect processes, inventions, discoveries, expertise... and other valuable ideas. U.S. patent law gives the owner of an issued patent the sole right to make, use, offer for sale and import an invention in the U.S. for 20 years from the filing date (+/-), but this is in exchange for disclosing how to make and use the invention. Trade secrets protect commercially valuable information not generally known in industry from misappropriation, only if reasonable measures are taken to keep it secret. Learn more...
Copyright law protects creative expression. It doesn't protect ideas. Instead, it gives the owner of a copyright in creative works a bundle of legal rights, which includes rights to distribute copies commercially and the right to make "derivative works" that alter or change the original work. Copyright comes into existence automatically, but there are important advantages to registering copyrighted works: the right to seek attorneys' fees, statutory damages and a presumption of ownership. Learn more...
What is our proprietary 3-step process?
Intellectual property should give you the sole legal right of possession of your company's valuable intangible property, or "iP"! Owning all 'intangible property' of your business is the first step. Most busy business owners think their business owns its iP and are surprised to learn its NOT TRUE! If you don't own your iP (usually by some type of agreement), someone else does! That can lead to disaster.
Intellectual property law is the way that business owners legally protect their valuable iP! Does ownership require spending tens of thousands? << NO! >> Business owners should pay to Protect iP only if it provides a substantial return on investment. iPscaling keeps costs low, especially early on, allowing any business to protect more of its iP while maximizing return on your iP investment.
Growing the value of iP takes diligence. When done right, intellectual property allows you to grow your business without fear of losing control. If someone steals your brand, creative works or ideas, what can you do? Intellectual property protects your company's most valuable iP, building a hedge of protection around it and providing options without necessarily spending thousands on lawyers!
Own Protect Grow® is our way for ensuring that you take all the steps needed for a creative or innovative business. It's the Paradies® iP way that was developed by Chris Paradies to help any inventor, artist or entrepreneur no matter how tight the budget. In fact, our Own Protect Grow® process is useful even for big budgets, because it can be used to maximize the return on investment for any iP portfolio.
how does iPscaling work?
It's a process...
You don't have to protect all of your iP before you start making money...
...but you should AT LEAST own EVERYTHING!
You'd be surprised how many times companies don't own what the owners think the company owns. It's a shame, when it only takes minutes.
Have you already transferred rights in everything created by you, your employees, consultants, vendors and advisors to your LLC or corporation in writing. If not, your company doesn't own it. Someone else does!
It's also important to prevent intermingling of your personal assets and business assets, for limiting personal liability. So, take our iPcheck to find out how to own your company's iP!
Protecting the Right iP Should 5X Business Value!
After you own everything, our PROTECT your most valuable intangible property with intellectual property.
Your most valuable intangible property is your "key terrain", and by building a hedge of protection around it, you're ready to grow its value.
Your key terrain might be protected by trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or some combination of these, at a low cost.
You get all of this in the Entrepreneur's Guide To Owning Everything and so much more...
Hear from another satisfied entrepreneur...

Rebekkah Anderson - Wise Elephant Consulting
"iPscaling was perfect for everything I wanted to know and needed to understand..."
I know many people who have developed fantastic educational material, but then they found out others were taking their intellectual property and teaching it as their own. It was devastating to their business. So, when I started developing my own, I knew I needed to protect it. There was a lot of confusing information out there. So many experts kept advising against trying to do it yourself because it would be too much... iPscaling training walks you through the process for doing it yourself at a much lower price point. It was exactly what I was looking for! The fact that Chris Paradies also offers one-on-one sessions was such a relief. Knowing what I needed to do next to complete the process and make sure my intellectual property was protected... I could hardly believe I had done it right until I received the official Library of Congress letter!
"iPscaling was perfect for everything I wanted to know and needed to understand. I highly recommend iPscaling for anyone trying to build and protect value in their business while still remaining cost effective."
Want to get started the right way, right now...
*Disclaimer: Paradies iP Solutions LLC is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice.